Welcome to Ogroni Informatix Limited


The e-Commerce Association of Bangladesh (e-CAB) was founded in 2015 with the aim of promoting e-commerce nationwide and supporting entrepreneurs and consumers in transitioning to e-business. e-CAB has over 1500 members involved in online trading services and actively works on expanding cross-border e-commerce. They also play a crucial role in Bangladesh's "Digital Bangladesh" initiative, contributing to online payment services, delivery services, and skills development. Through initiatives like the "e-Genius" project, e-CAB fosters talent and awards recognition to individuals and organizations that have positively impacted the country, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. They collaborate with various government bodies and foreign agencies, with standing committees dedicated to developing different aspects of the e-commerce sector.

Website: https://e-cab.net/company-profile/2182/ogroni-informatix-limited

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e-CAB Affiliations Certificate
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e-CAB Affiliations Certificate


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